Dnyanjyoti College of Education, located in Aurangabad (Maharashtra), offers Bachelor of Education course.

Dnyanjyoti College of Education

Located in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, Dnyanjyoti College of Education is committed to the cause of producing competent teachers. The autonomous educational institution is affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad and is recognized by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), Bhopal. The college of education, working under the guidance and sponsorship of Shivjyoti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, intends to impart comprehensive education. One year full-time undergraduate degree level Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) course is conducted by the institution, in Marathi medium. Dnyanjyoti College of Education boasts of being fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. 

Affiliated to: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University


The college offers the following undergraduate programme:
B Ed


Graduates in related science, commerce or humanities disciplines with minimum 45% aggregate marks are eligible.
Admission Procedure:

Admissions are done on the basis of the candidate’s scores in Maharashtra B. Ed CET, conducted by Directorate of Higher Education Maharashtra State.

Entrance Test: Maharasthra B Ed CET
  • Library
  • Laboratories
  • Canteen
  • Sports
  • Computer Lab
  • Internet connectivity
  • Latest teaching equipments
  • Extra Curricular Activities

Contact Address:
Dnyanjyoti College of Education
Near S.D. Collage, Soegaon
Aurangabad - 431 120, Maharashtra
Phone: +91-2438-202222
Fax: +91-2438-2481426