A complete and updated resource of top colleges & educational institutes in West Godavari
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Colleges in West Godavari
West Godavari city has a number of colleges, which provide a great platform for higher education in the field of engineering, arts and social science, law, commerce, medical science, journalism etc. Here is a complete and updated information on various colleges in West Godavari city.

A S R College of Computer Technology
A S R Degree College
A.S.R College of Education
Abhyudaya Degree College
Aditya Degree College Palakol
Akula Gopayya College of Engineering & Technology
Akula Gopayya Degree College
Akula Manikyam College Of Education
Akula Sreeramulu College of Education
Akula Sreeramulu College of Elementary Teacher Education
Alluri Krishna Rao & Govindamma Degree College
B G B S College for Women
B R R & G K R Chamber’s Degree College
Best Institute of Professional Studies
Brilliants Degree College
C S T S Government Degree College
Ch S D St. Theresa's Autonomous College for Women
Ch V P M R Government Degree College
Chella Satyanarayana Sharma Degree College
D N R Degree College
D R G Government Degree College
Dr C S N Degree & PG College
Dr Maddi Gopala Krishna Reddy Degree College
Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishna Degree College
Flaiz Memorial Adventist College
G M R Vidyarthi Degree College
G. S. Rao Teacher Training Institute
GMR College of Education
Government Degree College Chintalapudi
J Sikle Degree College
Janga Gandhi Memorial Degree College
K A and H L Degree College
K G R L College
K S N R Degree College
KPR and JL Siddhartha Degree College
Little Flower Degree College
Lutheran Degree College
Mattreddy Degree College
Montessori Degree College
Nova Degree College
Prakasam Degree College
Priyadarshini Degree College
R R D S Government College
Rajiv Institute of Technology and Management Studies
S C I M Government College
S D College of Information Technology
S K V R R Degree College
S V J V Sanskrit College
S V K P and Dr K S Raju Arts and Science College
S V S S Degree College
SASI Degree College
Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women
Sir C R R College for Women
Sir C R Reddy Autonomous College
Sir C Ramalinga Reddy College of Education
SMBTAV and NV Degree College
Smt Gottumukkala Saraswathi Degree College
Sri A S N M Government Degree College for Men
Sri Alluri Bapineedi and Pendyala Ranga Rao College
Sri Chalapati Degree College
Sri Gowthami Degree College Gopalapuram
Sri Kakatiya Degree College
Sri Karibandi Subba Rao Memorial Degree College
Sri Krishna Veni College
Sri Raghavendra Degree College
Sri Raghavendra Institute of Sciences
Sri Rama Institute of Computer Technology
Sri Rama Krishna Degree College
Sri Sai Degree College
Sri Srinivasa Degree College
Sri Vasavi Engineering College
Sri Venkateswara Degree College
Sri Vidya Degree College
Sri Y N Degree College
St Mary Stella College of Education
St. John’s College of Education
St. Mary's Nirmala Hrudaya Mahila College
St. Vincent D E Paul Degree College
SVD Government Degree College for Women
Triveni Degree College
V S K Degree College
Vasm Reddy College of D. Ed
Vijnananilayam Degree College
Vikas Degree College
Vishnu Institute of Technology
Y S R & B S Degree College