Vision is the greatest gift of nature to human beings, which requires utmost care. An ophthalmologist is a professional, who can prescribe us proper eye-care methods.

Careers in Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the eye and visual system. An ophthalmologist is a medically trained doctor, who commonly acts as both physician and surgeon. Ophthalmologists examine, diagnose and treat diseases and injuries in and around the eye. They provide a full spectrum of care including routine eye exams, diagnosis and medical treatment of eye disorders and diseases, prescriptions for eye-glasses, surgery and management of eye problems that are caused by systemic illness.

Course Details
There are three-year postgraduate degree (MD and MS) and two-year postgraduate diploma programmes are available in Ophthalmology to MBBS graduates who complete the compulsory rotatory resident internship. Admission into these courses offered by medical colleges run by the Union and State governments, are made through the All-India Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. Some state quotas are also filled by the state concerned through State-level medical postgraduate entrance test.

Career Prospects
Ophthalmologists have multiple career options. Central and state governments recruit ophthalmologists for hospitals run by them. Departmental hospitals run by Railways and Defence and hospitals run by PSU are also a good option available to ophthalmologists. However most of the ophthalmologists prefer private hospitals, nursing homes and clinics because of high pay packages. Experienced ophthalmologists also can start their own eye-clinics. Some of them also can work with NGOs, missionary hospitals and charitable hospitals. Highly qualified and experienced ophthalmologists can work as faculty in government and private medical colleges. They also can involve themselves in research activities of organizations like ICMR. There is huge demand for Indian ophthalmologists in abroad particularly in USA, UK, Australia and Gulf countries.

Top Colleges Offering UG/PG/Other Courses
Several institutes in India offer various courses in ophthalmology. Some most prominent among them are: Government Medical Colleges, Thiruvanantapuram; Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kochi; All India Institutes of Medical Science, New Delhi; The Manipal University, Manipal; Rajahmuthiah Institute of Health Sciences, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar; Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and Christian Medical College, Vellore.

Ophthalmic technology is a highly remunerative career option. A fresh ophthalmologists working in government hospitals can earn Rs 12,000- 15,000 per month. Private sector hospitals offer very high pay packages to ophthalmologists, which may be with in the range of Rs 25,000-40,000 per month. While working one can also earns from part-time private practising in some eye-clinics. Senior eye-surgeons can earn Rs 60,000 to 1 lac for month.

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