University Law College, located in Hyderabad, is one of the renowned institutes of Andhra Pradesh.

University College of Law Osmania University

University College of Law Osmania University is one among the reputed educational institutions for acquiring legal education in Andhra Pradesh. The institute started conducting classes in 1899 and established itself as full-fledged College of Law in 1958. It holds the distinction of being accredited with highest rating of five stars by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The college is an integral part of Osmania University. It has got the approval of Bar Council of India (BCI), New Delhi. University Law College offers quality legal education at different degree levels.

Affiliated to: Osmania University


LLB 3 Year

Post Graduate:
Masters of Law (LLM)
  • Constitutional Law
  • Mercantile Law
  • Labour Law




LLB 3 Year
The candidates should have completed graduation in any field from a recognized university.

Post Graduate:
Masters of Law (LLM)
The applicants should possess Bachelors of Law (LLB) degree from a recognized university, in order to seek admission in this program.

The candidates should possess master’s degree in concerned or associated subject with at least 55% marks in total. Relaxation of 5% is there for SC/ST candidates. In addition, the candidates should have passed M. Phil in the concerned or allied subject.
The candidates should have qualified UGC-CSIR/NET GATE examination or SLET examination conducted by Government of Andhra Pradesh or should have awarded a Research Fellowship by UGC/CSIR Government Organization.
The candidates should have published at least two research papers in the area recognized by the University, as the first author. In case of more than one author proportionate credit will be given for the purpose of registration. However, in respect of articles published in the journals which are not recognized by the University, the Dean concerned in Consultation with the Chairperson, Board of Studies of the respective Departments will select two external referees to whom the Research Articles submitted by the candidates shall be forwarded for evaluation and recommendation or acceptance as research articles.
Admission Procedure:

LLB 3 Year
Selection is strictly based on the applicant scores in LAWCET.

Post Graduate:
Masters of Law (LLM)
The candidates are selected as per their scores LL.M. Entrance Examination conducted by the Osmania University.

Selection will be done as per the rules and guidelines laid by the university.
  • Library
  • Cafeteria  
  • Moot Court Room
  • Computer lab
  • Internet
  • Hostel
  • Extra curricular activities
  • Latest teaching aids

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