King George's
By an act passed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh on September 16, 2002, the college was transferred under a new university, called the
Post Graduate Diploma:

Post Graduate:

• MS


• M. Ch

• Ph.D
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS):
Candidate must pass Higher Secondary (10+2 level) or equivalent examination from a recognized board preferably with the science subjects.
Post Graduate Diploma:
Post Graduate Medical Diploma:
Candidate must have a MBBS degree along with one year internship form a recognized university.
Post Graduate:
Post Graduate Medical Degree / Superspecialty:
Candidate must have a MBBS degree with one year internship form a recognized university. Candidate with BDS degree from a recognized university are considered eligible for admission into MDS programme. For supersepecislity courses candidate must have a MBBS degree with one year internship form a recognized university or Medical Council of India (MCI) recognition.
Candidate must either have a post graduate degree with at least 60% (55% for reserve category candidates) marks or MBBS with supplementary in not more than 2 subjects and completed their internship on or before 31st July 2009.
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS):
Admissions are made through U.P. State Combined Pre Medical Test (CPMT) conducted by Director Medical Education & Training, UP for 85% of the seats and the All India Medical Entrance Examination (CBSE PMT), New Delhi for the remaining 15% seats. Reservation of seats for scheduled castes/tribes and Other Backward Classes are made according to state government guidelines.
Entrance Test: CBSE PMT, UP CPMT
Post Graduate:
Admissions are made through UP State Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (UP PGMEE) for 85% of the seats and the All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination conducted by DGHS, New Delhi for 15% seats. Reservation of seats for scheduled castes/ tribes and Other Backward Classes is made according to UP Government rules. Admissions to the superspeciality courses are done on the basis of All India competitive examinations conducted by the Vice Chancellors in consultation with Head of the concerned department.
Post Graduate Diploma:
Admissions are made through the UP State Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test or All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination conducted by the DGHS. There are some seats for Government nominees.
For admission into the PhD programme candidate must either have fellowship from NET/GATE/ICMR/SET/ allied agency funded or the guide submit an undertaking to ensure funding for the duration of the programme. Candidates without secure funding will not be registered for the PhD programme.
- Library
- Extra Curricular Activities
- Scientific Convention Centre
- Convocation Hall
- Guest House
- Bank Facility
- Internet Service