Jamia College of Education, located in Nandurbar, is one of the popular colleges of teacher education in Maharashtra.

Jamia College of Education

Located in Nandurbar, Jamia College of Education started its first academic session of imparting comprehensive education to the aspirants in the year 2004-2005. The educational institution is affiliated to North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon and has attained the approval from Government of Maharashtra. Recognized by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) Bhopal, the college conducts one-year of full-time undergraduate degree level Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) course. The one of the known educational colleges of the state- Jamia College of Education works under the guidance and sponsorship of Jamiya Islamiya Ishaatul Uloom’s. With the intention to produce competent teachers, the B. Ed College has equipped itself with all the mandatory facilities.

Affiliated to: North Maharashtra University


The college offers the following undergraduate programme:
B Ed


Candidates with minimum 45% aggregate marks in graduation in related science, commerce or humanities disciplines are eligible. Relaxation of 5% is there in minimum percentile for the candidates belonging to backward class category.
Admission Procedure:

Admissions are done on the basis of candidate’s performance in Maharashtra B. Ed CET, conducted by Directorate of Higher Education Maharashtra State.

Entrance Test: Maharasthra B Ed CET
  • Library
  • Laboratories
  • Canteen
  • Sports
  • Computer Lab
  • Internet connectivity
  • Latest teaching equipments
  • Extra Curricular Activities

Contact Address:
Jamia College of Education
Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom
Nandurbar - 425 415, Maharashtra
Phone: +91-2564-252256, 252356, 2520
Fax: +91-2564-252306
Email: jamiaakkalkuwa@gmail.com
Website: http://www.jamiyaakkalkuwa.com