J.V.R.R.M. College of education Kurnool located in Andhra Pradesh is running courses in the field of teacher education.

J.V.R.R.M. College of Education

J.V.R.R.M. College of Education, the oldest college of education in Nandyal, was established in the year 1983. The college is located in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. It is affiliated to S.K. University (Sri Krishnadevaraya University). The college, which comes under the management of the J.V.R.R.M. Educational Society, is also approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) for offering its courses in the field of teaching. J.V.R.R.M. College of Education is well equipped with all the facilities in its campus.

Affiliated to: Sri Krishnadevaraya University


The college offers the following undergraduate programme:
B Ed


A graduate candidate from a recognized university is eligible to apply for the course. B.S. / Ag. B.Sc / BVSC / BHMT / B. Pharmacy Degrees and such other professional and job oriented degree like LLB are not eligible for admission into B Ed courses. Candidates possessing Master Degree without undergraduate study are also not eligible for admission.
Admission Procedure:

Admission will be done through an admission committee that would comprise of the Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education as the Chairman of the admission committee, and Secretary of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad, Software Specialist in Computer / On-Line systems of admissions nominated by the State Council and some others.)There will be a provision of on-Line computerized system of counseling. Merit in Andhra Ed CET is considered while making admissions.

Entrance Test: Andhra Ed CET
  • Library
  • Playground
  • Gymnasium
  • Multipurpose hall
  • Canteen
  • Medical facilities

Contact Address:
J.V.R.R.M. College of Education
Lakshmikantha Reddy Estate,
Kurnool - 518 502, Andhra Pradesh
Phone: +91-8518-242789
Fax: +91-8518-248687
Email: jvrrmce@yahoo.co.in
Website: http://www.jvrrm.com