A complete and updated resource of top colleges & educational institutes in Srikakulam
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Colleges in Srikakulam
Srikakulam city has a number of colleges, which provide a great platform for higher education in the field of engineering, arts and social science, law, commerce, medical science, journalism etc. Here is a complete and updated information on various colleges in Srikakulam city.

Abhyudaya Degree College
Aditya Degree College
Aditya Institute of Technology & Management
Akshara Degree College
Amar Degree College
Badagala Shankara Rao Degree College
Bapuji Vidya Kendram Degree College
BS & JR College of Education
BS & JR Degree College
Chaintanya Degree College
Dharmana Ramalingam Naidu College
G. Kasiviswanadh Degree College
Gayathri Degree College
Gayatri College of Science & Management
Ghanta Narayana Rao Private Unaided Degree College
GMR Degree College
GMR Institute of Technology
Gnana Jyothi Degree College
Government Degree College (Men)
Government Degree College Amadalavalasa
Government Degree College Baruva
Government Degree College Ichapuram
Government Degree College Narasannapeta
Government Degree College Palakonda
Government Degree College Tekkali
Govt. Degree College for Women Srikakulam
Great Eastern Medical School & Hospital
Gurajada College of Education
Karimi Narayana Appalanaidu Degree College
Kaumadi Degree College
Kiranmayi Degree College
M L R Naidu Degree College
M.P.R. Law College
Mahendra Degree College
Narayana Dora Degree College
National Science Degree College
Padmavathi Mahila Degree College
Prajna College of Science and Arts
R.L.N.Dora College of Education
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences Srikakulam
Ramleela Degree College
Rangumudri College of Education
Ravoof & Vazir Khan's Memorial College of Education
S B S Y M Degree College
Sagar Degree College
Sai Geetam Degree College
Samskara Bharathi Degree College
Sarada Degree College
Satavahana Degree College
Shanti Niketan Degree College
Shirdi Sai Degree College
Sree Sai Dental College & Research Institute
Sri GCSR College Of Education
Sri Grandhi China Sanyasi Raju College
Sri Krishna Sai Degree College
Sri Lakshmi Taviti Naidu Degree College
Sri Prathibha Degree College
Sri Rama Degree College
Sri Rama Degree College Palakonda
Sri Rameswari Degree College
Sri Sai Degree College Nandikonda
Sri Sai Degree College Ranastalam
Sri Saketi Satyanarayana Degree College
Sri Satya Sai Degree College
Sri Venkateswara College of Pharmacy
Sri Venkateswara Degree College Kotturu
Sri Venkateswara Degree College Veeraghattam
Sri Viswajyothi Degree College
SSR Degree College
Sun Degree College
Surya Teja Degree College
SVJ Degree College
System Degree College
Thammi Naidu Degree College
Thammi Naidu Vidya Degree College
Vamsadhara Degree College Challavanipeta
Vamsadhara Degree College Kotabommali
Vidyadhari Degree College