A complete and updated resource of top colleges & educational institutes in Shimla
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Colleges in Shimla
Shimla city has a number of colleges, which provide a great platform for higher education in the field of engineering, arts and social science, law, commerce, medical science, journalism etc. Here is a complete and updated information on various colleges in Shimla city.

Bushehar B. Ed. Institute
Faculty of Law Himachal Pradesh University
HP Government Dental College
HP Institute of Management Studies
IHM Shimla
Indian Institute of Education Shimla
Indian Institute of Legal Studies
Indira Gandhi Medical College
Institute of Management Studies Shimla
Laureate Institute of Education & Training
Modern Education College
Sarvopalli Radha Krishnan Institute for Teachers Education
School of Legal Studies Himachal Pradesh University
Shanti Alya Institute of Education & Training
Shimla College of Education
University College of Business Studies
University Institute of Information Technology