A complete and updated resource of top colleges & educational institutes in Kochi
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Colleges in Kochi
Kochi city has a number of colleges, which provide a great platform for higher education in the field of engineering, arts and social science, law, commerce, medical science, journalism etc. Here is a complete and updated information on various colleges in Kochi city.

Amrita College of Nursing
Amrita School of Dentistry
Amrita School of Pharmacy
Avila College of Education
Bharata Mata Institute of Management
Bhavan's Royal Institute of Management
Co-operative Medical College
Gautham School of Nursing
Jai Bharath Training College
Lakshmi Hospital School of Nursing
Lisie College of Nursing
Lisie School of Nursing
Medical Trust Hospital School of Nursing
Model Engineering College
Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology
School of Communication and Management Studies
School of Legal Studies Cochin
Sidhi Sadan Lourdes College of Nursing
Sree Dharma Paripalana Yogam School of TTC
Sree Sudheendra Medical Mission School of Nursing